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Search bar does not work correctly

Search bar does not work correct.

If I click on some question and try to search I don't get search results but only the list of all questions. If I try to search on the main page everything is OK.

Tested here and elsewhere.


The search bar problem is still there. It is impossible to search, except on the main page. This is an important issue, scince if a user comes from google (in 99% it is some non-main-page) and reads an answer then he often tries to find something similar on the website, but he doesn't get the result. Then you lost this visitor.

Search bar does not work correctly

Search bar does not work correct.

If I click on some question and try to search I don't get search results but only the list of all questions. If I try to search on the main page everything is OK.

Tested here and elsewhere.


The search bar problem is still there. It is impossible to search, except on the main page. This is an important issue, scince if a user comes from google (in 99% it is some non-main-page) and reads an answer then he often tries to find something similar on the website, but he doesn't get the result. Then you lost this visitor.

Search bar does not work correctly

Search bar does not work correct.

If I click on some question and try to search I don't get search results but only the list of all questions. If I try to search on the main page everything is OK.

Tested here and elsewhere.


The search bar problem is still there. It is impossible to search, except on the main page. This is an important issue, scince if a user comes from google (in 99% it is some non-main-page) and reads an answer then he often tries to find something similar on the website, but he doesn't get the result. Then you lost this visitor.

Search bar does not work correctly

Search bar does not work correct.

If I click on some question and try to search I don't get search results but only the list of all questions. If I try to search on the main page everything is OK.

Tested here and elsewhere.

Search bar does not work correctly

Search bar does not work correct.

If I click on some question and try to search I don't get search results but only the list of all questions. If I try to search on the main page everything is OK.

Tested here and elsewhere.

Search bar does not work correctly

Search bar does not work correct.

If I click on some question and try to search I don't get search results but only the list of all questions. If I try to search on the main page everything is OK.

Tested here and elsewhere.

Search bar does not work correctlycorrectly in Russian

Search bar does not work correct.

If I click on some question and try to search I don't get search results but only the list of all questions. If I try to search on the main page everything is OK.

Tested here and elsewhere.

Search bar does not work correctly in Russiancorrect

Search bar does not work correct.

If I click on some question and try to search I don't get search results but only the list of all questions. If I try to search on the main page everything is OK.

Tested here and elsewhere.