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Can users answer their own questions?

I've seen that is possible to answer to their question. Is a correct feature or i reserved only to some users? For me is not possibile ( and i think that's correct to not answer to my question )

Can users answer their own questions?

I've seen that is possible to answer to their question. Is a correct feature or i reserved only to some users? For me is not possibile ( and i think that's correct to not answer to my question )

Thank you @todofixthis to have edited my title and sorry for my english

Can users answer their own questions?

I've seen that is possible to answer to their question. Is a correct feature or i reserved only to some users? For me is not possibile ( and i think that's correct to not answer to my question )

Thank you @todofixthis to have edited my title and sorry for my english

Can users answer their own questions?to my question

I've seen that is possible to answer to their question. Is a correct feature or i reserved only to some users? For me is not possibile ( and i think that's correct to not answer to my question )

answer to my question

I've seen that is possible to answer to their question. Is a correct feature or i reserved only to some users? For me is not possibile ( and i think that's correct to not answer to my question )