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(2) - Rosetta has search tool - it's closer to upper-left corner of your translation view. I don't know of anything more advanced than Rosetta, and Rosetta clearly has some deficiencies. Not only in the user interface, but it does not make great job on error checking. About 1% of translated strings tend to have errors which prevent .po file from compiling, those are asily fixed with manual editing though. Let's stay on the lookout - maybe better tools pop out or we find energy to improve rosetta.

(3) - maybe build some sort of notification system for translators and developers where you could choose what to receive updates about and how often. It should not be too tough to scan .po files for untranslated or fuzzy strings.

Well, .po file is not the full story yet. There is also javascript catalog described here. It is much shorter though. The most complete are spanish and turkish, and I've compiled a more readable hybrid English/Spanish in the link above.

Maybe you could actually do that directly on the repository? - clone a full-access version (not readonly), edit file forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js accordingly and push back to github?


(2) - Rosetta has search tool - it's closer to upper-left corner of your translation view. I don't know of anything more advanced than Rosetta, and Rosetta clearly has some deficiencies. Not only in the user interface, but it does not make great job on error checking. About 1% of translated strings tend to have errors which prevent .po file from compiling, those are asily fixed with manual editing though. Let's stay on the lookout - maybe better tools pop out or we find energy to improve rosetta.

(3) - maybe build some sort of notification system for translators and developers where you could choose what to receive updates about and how often. It should not be too tough to scan .po files for untranslated or fuzzy strings.

Well, .po file is not the full story yet. There is also javascript catalog described here. It is much shorter though. The most complete are spanish and turkish, and I've compiled a more readable hybrid English/Spanish in the link above.

Maybe you could actually do that directly on the repository? - clone a full-access version (not readonly), edit file forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js accordingly and push back to github?


(2) - Rosetta has search tool - it's closer to upper-left corner of your translation view. I don't know of anything more advanced than Rosetta, and Rosetta clearly has some deficiencies. Not only in the user interface, but it does not make great job on error checking. About 1% of translated strings tend to have errors which prevent .po file from compiling, those are asily fixed with manual editing though. Let's stay on the lookout - maybe better tools pop out or we find energy to improve rosetta.

(3) - maybe build some sort of notification system for translators and developers where you could choose what to receive updates about and how often. It should not be too tough to scan .po files for untranslated or fuzzy strings.

Well, .po file is not the full story yet. There is also javascript catalog described here

Maybe you could actually do that directly on the repository? - clone a full-access version (not readonly), edit file forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js accordingly and push back to github?
