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edited: replaced font Yanone Kaffeesatz with Open Sans Condensed and this problem disappeared - the fix is available in the repository.

The problem was due to the absence of the Cyrillic characters in the Yanone Kaffeesatz font. In your case Russian letters were probably rendered in Arial (the fallback font after the fancy web-font).

edited: replaced font Yanone Kaffeesatz with Open Sans Condensed and this problem disappeared - the fix is available in the repository.

The problem was due to the absence of the Cyrillic characters in the Yanone Kaffeesatz font. In your case Russian letters were probably rendered in Arial (the fallback font after the fancy web-font).

edited: replaced The default font Yanone Kaffeesatz with does not have a Cyrillic subset. What you see is probably Arial for the Russian text.

Try font Open Sans Condensed and this problem disappeared - the fix is available in the repository.or some other.

It will take some experimentation to find a font that fits the design and the language, we might switch to Open Sans Condensed as default for headings, buttons and other meta-information.