Release notes for new releases of Askbot?

I don't see a NEWS file or any real release announcement for new releases that describes the changes in every release. Is one available? How do I keep track of this?

mether's avatar
asked 2011-06-25 19:35:37 -0600
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The simplest way is to have a NEWS file in the source and highlight the major changes there but have something like blog.askbot.org and talking about deployments, thoughts and roadmap etc will bring more visibility
mether's avatar mether (2011-07-27 11:53:39 -0600) edit
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1 Answer


Any thoughts on this @Evgeny? I currently just read the git log and go through the patches if necessary before upgrading to figure out what has changed and be aware of what to test more. A NEWS file would be helpful and can be automatically generated.

mether's avatar
answered 2011-08-17 09:03:29 -0600
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will work this out soon.
Fitoria's avatar Fitoria (2011-08-17 09:21:48 -0600) edit
We will try to use python Sphinx documentation system. Other Python projects have change logs made in Sphinx.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-08-17 09:29:33 -0600) edit
could be a good idea to activate the issue tracker on Github and to link Askbot questions tagged 'feature-request' and "bugs" to Github issues. Then if you put an issue id in the comments of your commit, when you do a release, it would be easy to parse the git log to create a milestone (e.g 0.7.3) and update the corresponding issues and generate a NEWS file. The milestone management could be interesting if you want to give visibility of what's coming (e.g. "next release", "Santa letter").
Samuel's avatar Samuel (2011-08-19 00:32:43 -0600) edit
We have created the changelog - will try to deploy it today. For the issue tracking we use bugs.askbot.org - please register there if you like. I think the commit messages tend to be poorly written to put them directly into the changelog, so we'll be maintaining the log of changes manually.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-08-22 21:12:00 -0600) edit
I think the easier and the more robust solution might be to just write better commit messages rather than doing it manually
mether's avatar mether (2011-08-22 21:14:18 -0600) edit
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