any way to twitter login?

any way to twitter login?

asked 2011-11-20 00:56:26 -0500
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1 Answer


Twitter login worked for me - just tested. Does not work for you?

Are you not kicked by mistake to askbot.org on successful authentication? If so - please change the base url parameter in the "URLS" section.

Secondly the error might occur if your server time is out of sync with the world and to fix that one can run: ntpdate us.pool.ntp.org as root (the ntpdate tool may need to be installed).

Finally - just enable debug mode in the settings.py by changing DEBUG = False to DEBUG = True.

updated 2011-11-20 08:20:22 -0500
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >100 is welcome to improve it.
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I cannot get Twitter to work either. Is there a specific log to look at to get more information? I just get the following at the top of the page: Unfortunately, there was some problem when connecting to twitter, please try again or use another provider

catdrich's avatar catdrich (2011-12-07 11:28:57 -0500) edit

Twitter login works on by development box, but not here, testing now. Thanks for the heads up, a few things got broken after we switched from apache to nginx.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-12-07 14:16:11 -0500) edit

This is weird, I have not done anything and now I can log in via twitter. I think it must have been the server times being out of sync.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-12-07 15:27:04 -0500) edit

I still cannot login via Twitter; getting the same error message. Where can I find out more information, logs, etc. so I can troubleshoot this on our site?

catdrich's avatar catdrich (2011-12-08 08:24:00 -0500) edit

Updated the answer.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-12-08 09:14:05 -0500) edit

Date/time is correct. And the base URL is our site's URL.. I changed the debug level and I still don't see any reason why it's not working. We will revisit this later as the other methods are working. Thank you for your time.

catdrich's avatar catdrich (2011-12-08 11:03:46 -0500) edit

For some reason, Twitter is working now for our site. Back in December I tried deleting the site in Twitter and adding it and it didn't work. I tried again today (delete and re-add) and it works. I know I had the keys correctly entered. I'm not going to complain; I'm just glad it's working now.

catdrich's avatar catdrich (2012-01-04 10:25:09 -0500) edit
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