Inline editing?

Currently re-tagging is inline but editing is not. This is a annoyance. A lot more users would be inclined to edit if this is quick and easy. Inline editing is the way to go.

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  • enter empty line after your previous text
  • paste or type the code
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mether's avatar
asked 13 years ago


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1 Answer


Posting and editing comments is already inline. While editing a question or answer is not.

I guess a "quick edit" or a "qedit" button next to "edit" will do. I can work on django, but never looked at JS before ;)

I'll try to work on this feature.

To enter a block of code:

  • enter empty line after your previous text
  • paste or type the code
  • select the code and press the button above
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rags's avatar
answered 13 years ago


dont see why we need a extra qedit link? edit should be inline wherever possible.

mether's avatar mether (13 years ago)

I think we just need to replace current method of editing with "inline" with the fallback to the current method, that is we'll only have one button.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (13 years ago)

yep. precisely. If inline edit is available, everyone would prefer that

mether's avatar mether (13 years ago)

But, then you won't get the wysiwyg editor and get to go back to previous revisions.

rags's avatar rags (13 years ago)

We'll need to add wysiwyg editor to the inline question/asnwer edit, and perhaps add the revision loader as well. For the comments - no editor, but a link that opens a pop-up with markdown help as described in issue http://bugs.askbot.org/issues/98c

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (13 years ago)
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