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How to configure askbot with redis

I've got the github askbot-devel repo installed and running on Postgres 9.2. Now it appears that none of the settings I save on the settings page actually get saved. It's not intermittent, they never appear and there are no errors on the page or in the logs. I saw multiple references to this possibly being related to not having a cacheing system setup.

If I want to use redis, how do I configure askbot to work with it? I only see examples for memcached. Is memcached preferred?


How to configure configuring askbot with redis

I've got the github askbot-devel repo installed and running on Postgres 9.2. Now it appears that none of the settings I save on the settings page actually get saved. It's not intermittent, they never appear and there are no errors on the page or in the logs. I saw multiple references to this possibly being related to not having a cacheing system setup.

If I want to use redis, how do I configure askbot to work with it? I only see examples for memcached. Is memcached preferred?
