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Django user admin interface operations will be failed

For all users created with the login dialog all operations in the Django user admin interface will be failed with following exception (example for user 1):

Request Method: POST Request URL: http://:/admin/auth/user/1/ Django Version: 1.4 Exception Type: IntegrityError Exception Value:

update or delete on table "auth_user_groups" violates foreign key constraint "authusergroups_ptr_id_refs_id_5cdfc23b7859c44e" on table "askbot_groupmembership" DETAIL: Key (id)=(1) is still referenced from table "askbot_groupmembership".

Exception Location: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/ in _commit, line 235 Python Executable: /usr/bin/python Python Version: 2.7.3

Why conflicts the Askbot user administration with the underlying Django user administration? Is this a known issue?