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Plugging Askbot into existing Django project, Aunthentication and integrating the users

I installed askbot through pip into my existing local Django project. I merged the askbot settings & Uls files with my existing files. When I go to its getting redirected to And I can see all my existing users but no sign in is available. I see a lot of Url redirects not working because of reverse, like Reverse for 'home' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. In my backend database all the tables are looking fine. But users are not integrated with askbot, also there is AttributeError with How to allow my existing and future users, who are authenticated by my existing django project use askbot seamlessly? This is my template context tuple

    'askbot.user_messages.context_processors.user_messages',#must be before auth
    'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', #this is required for admin
    'django.core.context_processors.csrf', #necessary for csrf protection
    ###############askbot ended###########