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User name cannot contain a "." (period) or ' (apostrophe)

I have a small bug report:

I wanted to sign up as "Tomasz P. Szynalski". Unfortunately AskBot does not allow periods in the screen name.

Another character that doesn't work is the apostrophe (both the curly and straight kind): ’ '. What if someone's name is d’Artagnan?

(I wonder what happens when you import a user with a period from StackExchange?)

User name cannot contain a "." (period) or ' (apostrophe)

I have a small bug report:

I wanted to sign up as "Tomasz P. Szynalski". Unfortunately AskBot does not allow periods in the screen name.

Another character that doesn't work is the apostrophe (both the curly and straight kind): ’ '. What if someone's name is d’Artagnan?

(I wonder what happens when you import a user with a period from StackExchange?)

User name cannot contain a "." (period) or ' (apostrophe)(period)

I have a small bug report:

I wanted to sign up as "Tomasz P. Szynalski". Unfortunately AskBot does not allow periods in the screen name.

Another character that doesn't work is the apostrophe (both the curly and straight kind): ’ '. What if someone's name is d’Artagnan?

(I wonder what happens when you import a user with a period from StackExchange?)

User name cannot contain a "." (period)

I have a small bug report:

I wanted to sign up as "Tomasz P. Szynalski". Unfortunately AskBot does not allow periods in the screen name.

Another character that doesn't work is the apostrophe (both the curly and straight kind): ’ '. What if someone's name is d’Artagnan?

(I wonder what happens when you import a user with a period from StackExchange?)