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Interesting Tags not working?

Try this:

Go to

Add several different 'Interesting Tags' to the right side bar (eg, bug accessibility login) if you don't already have some.

Then just quickly click through each of them randomly (one click per complete refresh).

eg, start by clicking 'bug' tag (refreshes url to then click 'accessibility' tag then click login, and repeat over and over at random.

Eventually, you'll get stuck. Either the page will continue to show the contents related to the previous tag you had selected (not the current) or you'll see simply no results and the message 'You can expand your search by starting over'

It seems to work the first few times, but something eventually gets confused... cache?

I saw this first on my local install, where i'm running memcached. I tried disabling cache (or rather, setting CACHE_TIMEOUT = 0) but i'm still seeing the issue.

Whatever the function 'start over' (url .../questions/?start_over=true) does seems to fix the issue.