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Managing Login

How in the object i was trying to manage the login to askbot using my twitter account. Actually i log in with gmail. I've received an error that i can not upload because i've not enough Karma so i can only past a text copy of that i see at that url :*********************oauth_verifier=***************** ( i've erased the token :) )

ALL UNANSWERED FOLLOWED Ask Your Question Page not found Sorry, could not find the page you requested. This might have happened for the following reasons:

this question or answer has been deleted;
url has error - please check it;
the page you tried to visit is protected or you don't have sufficient points, see faq;
if you believe this error 404 should not have occured, please report this problem

Other things to try:

Go to askbot.­org

Here the uploaded file ( now that i have enough karma ) I hoe that is good to understand better Askbot-Twitter

Managing Login

How in the object i was trying to manage the login to askbot using my twitter account. Actually i log in with gmail. I've received an error that i can not upload because i've not enough Karma so i can only past a text copy of that i see at that url :*********************oauth_verifier=***************** ( i've erased the token :) )

ALL UNANSWERED FOLLOWED Ask Your Question Page not found Sorry, could not find the page you requested. This might have happened for the following reasons:

this question or answer has been deleted;
url has error - please check it;
the page you tried to visit is protected or you don't have sufficient points, see faq;
if you believe this error 404 should not have occured, please report this problem

Other things to try:

Go to askbot.­org

Here the uploaded file ( now that i have enough karma ) I hoe that is good to understand better Askbot-Twitter

Managing Loginmanaging login

How in the object i was trying to manage the login to askbot using my twitter account. Actually i log in with gmail. I've received an error that i can not upload because i've not enough Karma so i can only past a text copy of that i see at that url :*********************oauth_verifier=***************** ( i've erased the token :) )

ALL UNANSWERED FOLLOWED Ask Your Question Page not found Sorry, could not find the page you requested. This might have happened for the following reasons:

this question or answer has been deleted;
url has error - please check it;
the page you tried to visit is protected or you don't have sufficient points, see faq;
if you believe this error 404 should not have occured, please report this problem

Other things to try:

Go to askbot.­org