wowas's profile - activity

2014-02-13 20:44:15 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2013-05-20 23:22:43 -0500 commented answer You can make more than one answer

With limit 1 answer per person, if user can convert comments to answer, it can convert to more than 1 answer.

2013-05-20 07:06:41 -0500 asked a question Make "answer must be ..." translatable

In file (rows 356,357) need change:

self.length_error_template_singular = 'answer must be > %d character'
self.length_error_template_plural = 'answer must be > %d characters'


self.length_error_template_singular = _('answer must be > %d character')
self.length_error_template_plural = _('answer must be > %d characters')
2013-05-20 05:58:20 -0500 received badge Organizer (source)
2013-05-20 05:58:01 -0500 asked a question Make "Comments" translatable

In file macros.html (row 395) need change:

<h2 class="comment-title">Comments</h2>


<h2 class="comment-title">{% trans %}Comments{% endtrans %}</h2>
2013-05-20 05:43:24 -0500 asked a question You can make more than one answer

If convert it from comments (from admin)!

2013-05-20 00:36:36 -0500 commented question Translate "hours ago" in utils.js

In github all OK. Thanks.

2013-05-19 23:55:38 -0500 commented question Translate "hours ago" in utils.js

Because in js code hours is float then we return float value that then round. If I change code like above then all OK.

2013-05-19 02:49:55 -0500 commented question Translate "hours ago" in utils.js

I check pluralization formula - it is OK. Other translation work OK. Problem only in this point (file utils.js).

2013-05-17 15:50:22 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2013-05-17 07:29:21 -0500 asked a question Translate "hours ago" in utils.js

When translate string from utils.js then appear bugs. See row 3074:

return interpolate(
                        '%s hour ago',
                        '%s hours ago',

If translate to Russian and add three variants:

msgid "%s hour ago"
msgid_plural "%s hours ago"
msgstr[0] "%s час назад"
msgstr[1] "%s часа назад"
msgstr[2] "%s часов назад"

We get:

1 часа назад (must be 1 час назад)

4 часов назад (must be 4 часа назад)

Cause by shifting from floor.

Code must be:

return interpolate(
                            '%s hour ago',
                            '%s hours ago',

The same for minutes. Please update.

2013-05-17 04:04:40 -0500 received badge Editor (source)
2013-05-17 04:03:37 -0500 asked a question How translate live search?

Is it possible translate live search through PO files? For example text in searchbox: "search or ask your question".

2013-05-16 02:38:53 -0500 commented answer IntegrityError when updating user

I have the same. When register new user then created two new group in table "auth_group": _personal_(N) and _personal_(N+1). Why created new group?