Jason Goemaat's profile - activity

2014-08-19 10:46:28 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2013-07-16 14:54:46 -0500 commented answer how to attach other file types apart from images

What if you are paying askbot for hosting and don't have access?

2013-07-11 18:12:49 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2013-07-11 18:02:02 -0500 asked a question Can you hide groups a user doesn't have access to?

We've locked down our sample site to whitelist email addresses, require valid email for access to content, and only allow registered users to access the forum which is great. We'd like to use groups as a mechanism to control access for various clients and to make sure one group cannot see questions in another group.


  1. All group names show up in "people & groups" drop-down, even for anonymous users that shouldn't have any access to site content

  2. By default will ask a question in the 'everyone' group, clients will surely mistakenly post there and then other clients will be able to see their questions.

Is there a way to git rid of the everyone group and have a default group for new questions? I can rename the everyone group but it won't let me make it blank.

Also I don't see where to add a user to a group when it is set to 'Moderator adds users'.