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Kirill's profile - activity

2020-09-09 22:22:32 -0500 received badge Taxonomist
2018-01-17 04:59:34 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2015-05-10 05:34:21 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2014-12-13 19:27:54 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2014-10-09 04:26:53 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2014-07-12 16:53:15 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2014-04-24 09:46:37 -0500 received badge Nice Answer ( source )
2014-03-19 03:33:11 -0500 answered a question Error during Askbot migration from 0.7.48 to 0.7.49

Is it possible to skip this step of migration? Any suggestions?

2014-03-14 03:48:18 -0500 asked a question Error during Askbot migration from 0.7.48 to 0.7.49

I've made a copy of my current virtual envirtonment with Askbot 0.7.48 and upgraded it using pip: pip install -U askbot All packages were installed successfully with minor warnings.

However I've got this error at the last step:

$ ./ migrate ... Running migrations for djcelery: - Migrating forwards to 0004_v30_changes.

djcelery:0001_initial FATAL ERROR - The following SQL query failed: CREATE TABLE "celery_taskmeta" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "task_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, "status" varchar(50) NOT NULL, "result" text NULL, "date_done" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, "traceback" text NULL) The error was: relation "celery_taskmeta" already exists

Error in migration: djcelery:0001_initial DatabaseError: relation "celery_taskmeta" already exists

Is it critical? Any ideas how to fix or w/a it?


2013-11-07 06:22:46 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2013-09-23 11:32:12 -0500 commented question Another bug while deleting user

I'm trying to delete it through the Django Admin interface, just clicking on the appropriate link at the user profile. For instance:

2013-09-23 11:27:42 -0500 commented answer IntegrityError when updating user

Evgeny, thank you for the fast response. Could you provide community with the detailed description of upgrade procedure? We are running AskBot in production mode, that is why it is critical not to damage our installation. Thank you in advance!

2013-09-23 11:06:31 -0500 commented answer DatabaseError while searching for people

Thank you! Could you share the recipe of Askbot updating in production environment?

2013-09-23 10:45:34 -0500 commented answer IntegrityError when updating user

Evgeny, we are facing the same issue. Askbot version 0.7.48, PostgreSQL 9.2.3 How it can be fixed or workarounded? Many thanks!

2013-09-23 10:04:02 -0500 asked a question DatabaseError while searching for people

For instance I want to execute a search query by name:

It throws this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 111, in get_response response = callback(request, callback_args, *callback_kwargs)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/askbot/views/", line 159, in show_users users_page =

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/", line 37, in page number = self.validate_number(number)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/", line 28, in validate_number if number > self.num_pages:

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/", line 60, in _get_num_pages if self.count == 0 and not self.allow_empty_first_page:

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/", line 48, in _get_count self._count = self.object_list.count()

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 351, in count return self.query.get_count(using=self.db)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 418, in get_count number = obj.get_aggregation(using=using)[None]

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 384, in get_aggregation result = query.get_compiler(using).execute_sql(SINGLE)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 818, in execute_sql cursor.execute(sql, params)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/", line 52, in execute return self.cursor.execute(query, args)

DatabaseError: column "language_code" does not exist LINE 1: ...text_search_vector @@ plainto_tsquery('john') AND language_c... ^ Why this column is missing and how it can be properly restored?

Thank you.

2013-09-23 09:58:50 -0500 asked a question Another bug while deleting user

Hi everybody!

I'm trying to delete user, and receive this unhandled exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 111, in get_response response = callback(request, callback_args, *callback_kwargs)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/", line 366, in wrapper return self.admin_site.admin_view(view)(args, *kwargs)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 91, in _wrapped_view response = view_func(request, args, *kwargs)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/views/decorators/", line 89, in _wrapped_view_func response = view_func(request, args, *kwargs)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/", line 196, in inner return view(request, args, *kwargs)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 25, in _wrapper return bound_func(args, *kwargs)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 91, in _wrapped_view response = view_func(request, args, *kwargs)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 21, in bound_func return func(self, args2, *kwargs2)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/", line 1169, in changelist_view response = self.response_action(request, queryset=cl.get_query_set(request))

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/", line 908, in response_action response = func(self, request, queryset)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/", line 47, in delete_selected queryset.delete()

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 511, in delete collector.delete()

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 61, in decorated func(self, args, *kwargs)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 269, in delete sender=model, instance=obj, using=self.using

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/dispatch/", line 172, in send response = receiver(signal=self, sender=sender, **named)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/askbot/models/", line 3334, in record_cancel_vote user=instance.user,

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/", line 350, in __get__ rel_obj = qs.get(**params)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 366, in get % self.model._meta.object_name)

DoesNotExist: User matching query does not exist.

Any idea how to fix this?

2013-08-22 06:37:39 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2013-08-22 06:37:26 -0500 received badge Teacher ( source )
2013-08-22 06:37:26 -0500 received badge Self-Learner ( source )
2013-08-22 06:09:14 -0500 answered a question How to clear cache in Askbot

Ok, here is the solution:

$ redis-cli 

Another solution, using the Python shell (this can easily be implemented in a management command):

python shell
>>> from django.core.cache import cache
>>> cache.clear()
2013-08-22 06:04:56 -0500 asked a question How to clear cache in Askbot

Hi everybody!

We use Redis as a caching system. I've changed RSS feed availability setting in "Settings", however this change was not reflected on the main page. RSS feed subscription button still invisible. Can I refresh the cache manually? And how?

Thank you.

2013-08-19 06:05:10 -0500 commented question DatabaseError: server closed the connection unexpectedly

PostgreSQL 9.2

2013-08-19 05:14:15 -0500 answered a question Prepared statements

Evgeny, thank you!

2013-08-16 03:44:17 -0500 asked a question Prepared statements

Could anybody make one thing clear for me. Does AskBot use prepared SQL statements?

2013-08-15 09:50:51 -0500 asked a question DatabaseError: server closed the connection unexpectedly

Hi everybody!

We are getting this error very often:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 89, in get_response response = middleware_method(request)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/askbot/middleware/", line 50, in process_request if request.user.is_anonymous():

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 184, in inner self._setup()

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 248, in _setup self._wrapped = self._setupfunc()

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/", line 16, in <lambda> request.user = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: get_user(request))

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/", line 8, in get_user request._cached_user = auth.get_user(request)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/", line 98, in get_user user_id = request.session[SESSION_KEY]

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/sessions/backends/", line 39, in __getitem__ return self._session[key]

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/sessions/backends/", line 165, in _get_session self._session_cache = self.load()

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/sessions/backends/", line 19, in load

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 131, in get return self.get_query_set().get(args, *kwargs)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 361, in get num = len(clone)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in __len__ self._result_cache = list(self.iterator())

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 291, in iterator for row in compiler.results_iter():

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 763, in results_iter for rows in self.execute_sql(MULTI):

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 818, in execute_sql cursor.execute(sql, params)

File "/rest/u/apps/askbot_face/ve/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/", line 52, in execute return self.cursor.execute(query, args)

DatabaseError: server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request.

What can be the root cause of this issue?