rybalkin's profile - activity

2021-10-26 10:51:38 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2013-09-23 15:13:55 -0500 commented answer How to insert images and attachements to the comments

I set it, and comments editor allows to specify formatting, but there are no buttons to add attachments or images in the comments editor

2013-09-23 05:39:02 -0500 asked a question How to insert images and attachements to the comments

Is it possible to insert attachments to the comments?

I see that comments can have markdown editor and that it is possible to insert code blocks there. But we are trying to understand if we can use Askbot as a support forum for software products, and one of the use case is bug reporting. If a user makes post with file attached we can post an answer when we fix a bug. But what if that bug still exists and user want to add a comment with another data in file? How would you recommend to work with such use case?

2013-09-23 05:26:21 -0500 received badge Supporter ( source )
2013-09-23 04:20:46 -0500 received badge Scholar ( source )
2013-09-22 18:10:33 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2013-09-22 17:14:46 -0500 asked a question How to insert code block in comment

I'd like to know how to insert code blocks in comments and if it possible to have the save editor for comments as you have for answers? I understand that comments should be small in general, but what if I want to have both q&a and discussions in the same place?