ekiny's profile - activity

2012-07-24 16:34:23 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2011-06-13 21:12:22 -0500 commented answer No module named avatars
I did it also, but no reason. Thank you for your help.
2011-06-13 20:48:11 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2011-06-13 20:34:22 -0500 asked a question No module named avatars

Hello everyone.

It is very hard to install askbot to my site. It is giving errors continual. I am solving these step by step but now i stacked. It gives me this error.

' ImproperlyConfigured: Error importing middleware askbot.middleware.view_log: "No module named avatars" '

I installed django-avatar, i tried different names like avatar or avatars, i changed the words within askbot directory like avatar (not s), but no reason.

Please help me to install this askbot correctly. Thank you.