neerajpro's profile - activity

2021-08-17 03:28:21 -0500 received badge Taxonomist
2014-06-27 08:07:32 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2011-09-05 04:09:27 -0500 answered a question how to connect wordpress with google webmaster tool

thanks for the answer. can u elobrately explain how and where to upload html.i tried all the option suggested and recommended by webmaster tool.unable to solve my problem.i have also downloaded seo to plugin in my blog and my theme doesnot show any option .please blog is

2011-09-03 10:58:58 -0500 asked a question how to connect wordpress with google webmaster tool

i tried hard to connect my blog through google webmaster tool. i have gone through this vedio "Google Webmaster Tools - The Expand2Web Blog" but there is no editor option in manage theme.i tried to connect it through addition of meta blog is in Please suggest me how can install plugin in my there any easy to connect site to a search engine .