jimt's profile - karma

jimt's karma change log

10 0 How do I clear the "flagged posts" flag? (2014-02-20 19:52:28 -0500)

10 0 How do I clear the "flagged posts" flag? (2012-06-22 01:12:53 -0500)

10 0 How do I clear the "flagged posts" flag? (2012-06-21 11:05:42 -0500)

2 0 What is the correct use of template substitution within translate section? (2012-05-17 21:54:54 -0500)

10 0 What is the correct use of template substitution within translate section? (2012-05-17 17:43:11 -0500)

10 0 Does manage.py fix_question_tags work? (2012-05-08 09:19:34 -0500)

0 -10 Does manage.py fix_question_tags work? (2012-05-08 09:19:32 -0500)

10 0 Does manage.py fix_question_tags work? (2012-05-08 09:19:23 -0500)

10 0 What is required for instant email notifications? (2012-05-08 08:58:32 -0500)