Abraham LincOln's profile - activity

2017-01-08 09:33:36 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2016-02-24 15:29:48 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2013-12-02 22:00:22 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2013-04-04 14:56:15 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2012-07-17 23:01:14 -0500 received badge Supporter ( source )
2012-07-17 21:50:09 -0500 received badge Nice Question (source)
2012-07-17 12:17:52 -0500 asked a question AskBot - Completion and Orientation

Do you still have a lot of work to do on AskBot ?

Do you aim to develop something as good as StackOverflow, or something different ? Could you share with me the vision you have for the software ?

NB: This question was originally dedicated to Evgeny but of course, I am listening to anyone who actually has the answer.

2012-07-17 12:13:18 -0500 commented answer How come I am not able to comment on the site?

Sure, I will do it

2012-07-17 10:53:23 -0500 commented answer How come I am not able to comment on the site?

Do you still have a lot of work to do on AskBot ? You aim to develop something as good as StackOverflow, or different ? Could you share with me the vision you have for the software ?

2012-07-17 10:46:41 -0500 commented answer How come I am not able to comment on the site?

I get your point

2012-07-17 10:40:45 -0500 received badge Scholar ( source )
2012-07-17 10:39:45 -0500 commented answer How come I am not able to comment on the site?

Thanks for your quick response. I would tend to think that if you limit comments, you should also limit the answering capacity. Or the other way round would be: if you allow answers, then probably you should also allow comments. If you need to block one, then answer seems more apropriate to me as it seems a "bigger" contribution than commenting.

One last thing: if you keep blocking comments, you should still leave the comment button visible, so people can click on it and get the "you need a karma of XX to be able to comment on this site" message. Otherwise they have no way to know I think.

2012-07-17 10:27:36 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2012-07-17 10:27:05 -0500 received badge Editor (source)
2012-07-17 10:26:21 -0500 commented question How come I am not able to comment on the site?

Strangely enough, here I can comment, but that is the only post so far I can comment on.

2012-07-17 10:23:19 -0500 asked a question How come I am not able to comment on the site?

Hi everyone,

For some reason, I am not able to leave comments on the site. I can only reply to questions. Is it related to my Karma level (only 1) or is it something else?


2012-07-17 09:57:53 -0500 asked a question What are you


I am not sure what this is