akhayyat's profile - activity

2014-10-09 04:34:07 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2013-07-19 03:17:35 -0500 received badge Scholar ( source )
2013-07-19 03:14:41 -0500 commented question Issues with inline css styles

Has there been any progress to better support right-to-left languages? Have these inline styles been moved into CSS files yet?

2013-07-15 01:32:52 -0500 asked a question How can I follow a tag?

How can I follow a tag such that I get notified about any new questions or answers to questions with the followed tag?

2012-10-15 23:16:41 -0500 commented question What is required to integrate Askbot with Django CMS?

I'm interested in this too. I'm new here, and so I don't have enough points to upvote the question. Sounds weird that I can comment but not upvote!