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Hello again,

I was confused because I thought that TEMPLATE_DIRS does not work with Askbot like I had read at Finally I have used the default setting from Django docs for override the admin templates:

  • Create a directory, e.g. .../template/admin/my_app/my_model and include it (only '.../templates' --> the root path of templates dir) in TEMPLATE_DIRS from

I have left ASKBOT_TEMPLATE_EXTRA_DIR as comment.


Hello again,

I was confused because I thought that TEMPLATE_DIRS does not work with Askbot like I had read at Finally I have used the default setting from Django docs for override the admin templates:

  • Create a directory, e.g. .../template/admin/my_app/my_model and include it (only '.../templates' --> the root path of templates dir) templates) in TEMPLATE_DIRS from

I have left ASKBOT_TEMPLATE_EXTRA_DIR as comment.


Hello again,

I was confused because I thought that TEMPLATE_DIRS does not work with Askbot like I had read at Finally I have used the default setting from Django docs for override the admin templates:

  • Create a directory, e.g. .../template/admin/my_app/my_model and include it (only '.../templates' --> the root path of templates) in TEMPLATE_DIRS from

I have left ASKBOT_TEMPLATE_EXTRA_DIR as comment.
