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This means that askbot as well as probably other modules are not on Python path. If you are using virtualenv - virtual environment, then you must activate it first:

source /path/to/env/bin/activate

In the case above the /path/to/ is the directory where the virtual environment was built, by command:

cd /path/to
virtualenv env --no-site-packages

Then, it is assumed that you've installed your modules into that environment. For example installed askbot there:

cd /path/to
source env/bin/activate
pip install askbot #as an example here used basic pip install method

If you've followed the above through with the deployment of the Django project (it is described in the documentation), python collectstatic would work without errors.

This means that askbot as well as probably other modules are not on Python path. If you are using virtualenv - virtual environment, then you must activate it first:

source /path/to/env/bin/activate

In the case above the /path/to/ is the directory where the virtual environment was built, by command:

cd /path/to
virtualenv env --no-site-packages

Then, it is assumed that you've installed your modules into that environment. For example installed askbot there:

cd /path/to
source env/bin/activate
pip install askbot #as an example here used basic pip install method

If you've followed the above through with the deployment of the Django project (it is described in the documentation), project, python collectstatic would work without errors.

This means that askbot as well as probably other modules are not on Python path. If you are using virtualenv - virtual environment, then you must activate it first:

source /path/to/env/bin/activate

In the case above the /path/to/ is the directory where the virtual environment was built, by command:

cd /path/to virtualenv env --no-site-packages


Then, it is assumed that you've installed your modules into that environment. For example installed askbot there:

cd /path/to
source env/bin/activate
pip install askbot #as an example here used basic pip install method

If you've followed the above through with the deployment of the Django project, python collectstatic would work without errors.