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Niles, the mail server is down on and that causes severe problems - these are fixed in the latest code already. Unfortunately I have not foreseen this before.

Could you contact William or Mike? I have sent them an email, but maybe they'll react faster if more people nudge them?

As a temporary measure they can enter this into file (instead of any other EMAIL_BACKEND record) and restart the webserver, then fix the SMTP server issue.

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend'

Btw, with the new code you will be able to edit math on your site with MathJax.

Niles, the mail server is down on and that causes severe problems - these are fixed in the latest code already. Unfortunately I have not foreseen this before.

Could you contact William or Mike? I have sent them an email, but maybe they'll react faster if more people nudge them?Mike?

As a temporary measure they can enter this into file (instead of any other EMAIL_BACKEND record) and restart the webserver, then fix the SMTP server issue.

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend'

Btw, with the new code you will be able to edit math on your site with MathJax.

Niles, the mail server is down on and that causes severe problems - these are fixed in the latest code already. Unfortunately I have not foreseen this before.

Could you contact William or Mike?

As a temporary measure they can enter this into file (instead of any other EMAIL_BACKEND record) and restart the webserver, then fix the SMTP server issue.

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend'

Btw, with the new code you will be able to edit math on your site with MathJax.