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It does work, but you have to restart the application. Jinja compiles templates once and keeps them in memory. When you change the setting, the only thing that happens is just that - the setting value changes.
I need to figure out how to invalidate Jinja2 templates so that they are force-recompiled when you change the setting.
It does work, but you have to restart the application. Jinja compiles templates once and keeps them in memory. When you change the setting, the only thing that happens is just that - the setting value settings changes.
I need to figure out how to invalidate Jinja2 templates so that they are force-recompiled when you change the setting.
It does work, but you have to restart the application. Jinja compiles templates once and keeps them in memory. When you change the setting, the only thing that happens is just that - the settings changes.
I need to figure out how to invalidate Jinja2 templates so that they are force-recompiled when you change the setting.
It does work, but you have to restart the application. Jinja compiles templates once and keeps them in memory. When you change the setting, the only thing that happens is just that - the settings changes.
I need to figure out how to invalidate Jinja2 templates when you on change the of skin setting.