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No way to use template tags in css, but there is an alternative.

Please edit style.less and then optionally compile it with lessc into style.css. We use lesscss system, which allows using named variables for the css and more. lessc compiler needs node.js installed on the system to work.

The style.less can be used directly by setting ASKBOT_CSS_DEVEL = True in your, then the .less file will be compiled in the browser.

No way to use template tags in css, but there is an alternative.

Please Sure, please edit style.less and then optionally compile it with lessc into style.css. We use lesscss system, which allows using named variables for the css and more. lessc compiler needs node.js installed on the system to work.

The style.less can be used directly by setting ASKBOT_CSS_DEVEL = True in your, then the .less file will be compiled in the browser.

Sure, please edit style.less and then optionally compile it with lessc into style.css. We use lesscss system, which allows using named variables for the css and more. lessc compiler needs node.js installed on the system to work.more.

The style.less can be used directly by setting ASKBOT_CSS_DEVEL = True in your, then the .less file will be compiled in the browser.