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Apparently You can't run it under InnoDB. To fix it You may drop all the tables, add:

DATABASE_OPTIONS = {'init_command': 'SET storage_engine = MyISAM'}

to Your, syncdb and migrate. Beware though - if Your MySQL is set to run InnoDB by default and You use replication, then it won't work as intended. On the host where the database is created everything will be fine, but on the replicated side MyISAM will not be forced and replication will break and stop when trying to create tables with fulltext search.

If You don't use replication, You should be fine.

Apparently You can't run it under InnoDB. To fix it You may drop all the tables, add:tables and add

DATABASE_OPTIONS = {'init_command': 'SET storage_engine = MyISAM'}

to Your, syncdb and migrate. . Beware though - if Your MySQL is set to run InnoDB by default and You use replication, then it won't work as intended. On the host where the database is created everything will be fine, but on the replicated side MyISAM will not be forced and replication will break and stop when trying to create tables with fulltext search.

If You don't use replication, You should be fine.