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How to mention a user

I recently noticed this sentence in the help section:

You can @mention users anywhere in the text to point their attention, follow users and conversations and report inappropriate content by flagging it.

However, I seem to be too stupid to use it ... I tried:

  • @< username >
  • @mention < username >

What is the correct way to use this neat trick?

/edit: removed the space in the first syntax

To enter a block of code:

  • enter empty line after your previous text
  • paste or type the code
  • select the code and press the button above
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bit-pirate's avatar
asked 12 years ago, updated 12 years ago


@bit-pirate tries to mention himself.

bit-pirate's avatar bit-pirate (12 years ago)
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1 Answer


@bit-pirate works fine. I think the problem is you are giving a space between @ and username in your first syntax.

To enter a block of code:

  • enter empty line after your previous text
  • paste or type the code
  • select the code and press the button above
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mether's avatar
answered 12 years ago


You are correct. It works - at least here. Somehow the same thing doesn't seem to work over at ROS Answers, e.g. (here). Any idea why?

bit-pirate's avatar bit-pirate (12 years ago)

Thanks for the link, I will look at this issue tomorrow.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (12 years ago)

Its now working as expected over at ROS Answers. Maybe there was just a temporal clitch ...

bit-pirate's avatar bit-pirate (12 years ago)

Using (@qubit) syntax immediately after parentheses didn't work in 0.7.43....let's see if it works now :-)

qubit's avatar qubit (12 years ago)

Hi @Evgeny, why to not use the same feature that's used on the private messages to access directly to the users db without that our users must read and copy exactly the user name? Someway is very fastidious to copy all the nickname and in other way ( with very stranges nick ) is impossibile and happen very often that someone wrong. There is that function on the Private Messages so HOW to use it on the answer or comment? Do you prefere that I open a new question ? I've yet opened here ( but without solution :(

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (11 years ago)
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