When will askbot support django 1.5?
Is askbot going to take advantage the new configurable user model? When will askbot support django1.5?
Is askbot going to take advantage the new configurable user model? When will askbot support django1.5?
As long as people are using Django 1.4 and below, we can't switch to using the custom user model, because the code will be incompatible with the older versions of Django.
Since the old user model is still there. Will askbot ever support django 1.5? Because I would like to use askbot as an app in my django 1.5 project, but I can't do that right now. Does that mean I have to downgrade my project to 1.4? Or should I install 2 different versions of django on the same server? Or I should separate askbot with a subdomain and install it on the different server?What is your recommendation?
I understand what needs to be done to move user data to a new model, but once we do that, askbot will stop working with django 1.4, which is not acceptable for us right now and probably won't be for another 6 months to a year. Actually, askbot does run with django 1.5, but using the old user model.
The best we can do sooner is maybe create a branch with the custom user model.
If you want - please make a fork with a split out user model. We will help you maintain it. I think that this is the best thing that can be done now.
Sounds good! Because I don't really mind that it's using the old user model. I just want it to work with django1.5. You mentioned that askbot runs with django 1.5? Could you please give us some hints about how to use askbot with django 1.5? Because I have seen other people having problem on this forum when they tried to install it with django 1.5. For example: http://askbot.org/en/question/10016/error-importerror-cannot-import-name-str_to_unicode/ Also, it still says " 'django': 'django>=1.3.1,<1.5'," in the init.py. It would be great if you could create another branch for django 1.5. Thanks
It does - just change the line in askbot/__init__.py
I have not yet changed it in the master branch.
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