Site is slow while posting question or answer
Site is very slow while posting question and answer in my community forum developed using askbot
Site is very slow while posting question and answer in my community forum developed using askbot
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It may be that what slows down the posting is sending email notifications to the users.
This can be resolved by a setting CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = False
in the
and running the celery task queue:
# for Askbot v < 0.10.x
python celeryd -c 10 --maxtasksperchild=1000 --time-limit=30
# for 0.10.x
celery -A config worker --time-limit=600 --concurrency=2 -l info
The celery envocation commands above are examples - you might find better parameters.
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It seems the preview of the currently-being-typed post is being re-generated (including running MathJax on the whole post) at every keystroke instead of after every few keystrokes, which makes posting questions or answers extremely slow.
It would be nice if someone could figure out what to change in the source code to fix that!
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