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Tag subscription statistics commands

I would like to see a couple of commands that would help me gather information on tag usage.

Tag subscription Statistics
For every tags in the system, dump the number of users that have the tag marked as interesting and ingored.
This would allow an admin to know what tags are being followed (as opposed to how the questions are classified). tag-sub-stats
Tag              Interesting  Ignore
===============  ===========  ======
centOS                2         0
fedora                22        5

User Tags Usage
For every user in the system, prints out the list of ignored and followed tags tag-user-list
User              Tags
===============  ======
joe              Int: red-hat fedora centOS 
                 Ign: ubuntu suse
bob              Int: ubuntu
                 Ign: fedora
Evgeny's avatar
updated 2011-01-21 19:18:44 -0500
Benoit's avatar
asked 2011-01-14 09:43:43 -0500
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Shall be done, thanks.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-01-14 19:25:39 -0500) edit
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1 Answer


Made a simple command get_tag_stats (in revision 0.6.61) to be used with one of the options - either -t - per tag or -u - per user. The output format is a little different, I think yours is better for the 'tag-user-list'. I can fix that if you like.

The command is also described at the documentation page (browser cache may need to be purged - still need to fix the caching of doc pages).

Evgeny's avatar
updated 2011-01-21 19:18:27 -0500, answered 2011-01-21 19:18:00 -0500
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That's fantastic! In fact, yours is better since some users have a large list of tags. Thanks
Benoit's avatar Benoit (2011-01-21 22:48:09 -0500) edit
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