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Can (should) notices of new comments appear on the front page?

One user of Ask Sage has complained that information about new comments does not appear on the main question list. He describes a possible unfortunate consequence, when someone adds a comment requesting more information to answer the question:

Let me try to describe that situation from the point of view of a (new) user:

  1. I ask a question, say, concerning installation.
  2. After a day or so, I return to the AskSage front page, in order to see whether there was any activity related with my post. No activity is reported, so, apparently nobody noticed my post [unfortunately, I am not aware that there is a comment, asking me to provide more information]. I am frustrated.
  3. After another day, I still see no activity, and my problem with installing Sage is not solved. I am angry.
  4. I drop Sage.

Of course if the user is subscribed for email alerts for that question, or if the user logs into Ask Sage, they will get some notice (either an email, or a red mail icon at the top of the page). But otherwise there is no information.

So, could something be added with the other information about the question, giving the number of comments (on both the original question, and on answers), and the date of the most recent one? I see that a date and username already appear, but this does not seem to be updated for comments.

The original thread on sage-devel is here.

Evgeny's avatar
updated 2011-02-14 12:08:36 -0500
niles's avatar
asked 2011-02-14 10:25:10 -0500
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Niles, thanks for your feedback, very helpful discussion too, added on todo list. I agree that it would make sense to have comment updates more visible to anonymous users.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-02-14 15:46:32 -0500) edit
thanks :)
niles's avatar niles (2011-02-15 12:10:05 -0500) edit

Possible duplicate: (not that you'll see this anyway... because I'm only posting a comment :P)

todofixthis's avatar todofixthis (2012-04-25 22:00:18 -0500) edit

This can be optional. On very active sites you probably don't want the comments to bump questions up in the list, but for the small sites it might be good.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-04-26 08:08:09 -0500) edit
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1 Answer


I think it makes sense for comments to bump up the question to the front page and not just answers. Can be a option if this is somehow a controversial feature.

mether's avatar
answered 2011-08-14 13:57:19 -0500
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