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Can tag preferences be displayed in the profile(/subscriptions) view?

I find it odd that when I'm in the subscriptions view I see that my emails will be filtered by tags. But it is not clear that to view and edit my tags I should be on the default "questions" screen. It would be great if they appeared as a tab in the profile or in the subscriptions tab.

tfoote's avatar
asked 2011-02-14 20:27:22 -0500
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1 Answer


That does belong somewhere in the user profile, would be nice to find a good place for that. Need some ideas here as the user profile page is quite crowded.

IMO - subscriptions tab is not a great choice - since it is mostly about email settings.

Evgeny's avatar
answered 2011-02-14 20:38:31 -0500
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It would be great to add to the line at the bottom of the emails too about filtering using tags. "Please note - you can easily change how often you receive these notifications or unsubscribe or filter your email notifications using tags. Thank you for your interest in our forum!"
tfoote's avatar tfoote (2011-02-14 21:56:46 -0500) edit
it would also be nice to have a method for bulk subscribing people to tags.. for example tags associated with maintainers of specific software. Yes each user could do this but it would be faster and cleaner for us programmatically generate it and send it to askbot
mwise's avatar mwise (2011-02-23 16:48:26 -0500) edit
well, quite incidentally, this feature is next on the list. Right now we are working on "wildcard tags". After that there will be a way to "suggest subscription to tags". May I ask you - can your organization partially sponsor some feature development? Now I am trying to hire helping hands. Not talking of big money and the expense will be very targeted for the implementation of specific features. Just as a way to accelerate the development, otherwise - I am happy to continue coding and I will, but it is limited by my time. Thanks.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-02-23 16:54:11 -0500) edit
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