Can support for the Google+ be added?
Along the lines of the existing Facebook support and could be used in the same way. Should be optional.
Along the lines of the existing Facebook support and could be used in the same way. Should be optional.
Yes, it's easy. Just change askbot/skins/default/templates/question.html
{% if settings.ENABLE_SOCIAL_SHARING %}
<a class="twitter-share" alt="{% trans %}Share this question on twitter{% endtrans %}"></a>
<a class="fb-share" alt="{% trans %}Share this question on facebook{% endtrans %}"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<g:plusone size="small" count="false"></g:plusone>
{% endif %}
Note that this adds a javascript file from google. I've added this to my git fork.
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