Feedback on new skin
Dear askbot community,
I finally managed to get my new template into a more-or-less functional state. It's more focused towards a community and uses strong typography, clear gutter, a consistent icon set and some neat UI tricks I've learned over the years. It's about 90% complete, with a few things missing. Here's a screenshot
You can get the skin as my github fork (branch to skin-suave). Please leave your comments, and suggestions (either here, or at the github issue site), and feel free to fork and fix stuff yourself! Here are two more details:
Enjoy Manuel
Looks awesome!
I like that, looks nice. I would suggest that you put the quesion's tags at the bottom, in the same line of the "post a comment" button, since it makes the question more readable. Keep up the good work.
Wow, really cool! What are the 10% missing? And how long did it take you to get the skin to 90%, Manuel? What problems did you come across? (just to know what to expect if we try to create our own skin, too :-)
Look great, I like the hover effect on avatars
Good suggestion. I thought about it earlier, but in fact if there already are any comments the button won't be in line anyway. I might move it up to the row with the vote buttons (and just give it a little "comment" icon instead of text) - will make it slightly harder for new users, but remove clutter for everybody else. What to you think?