askbot has maybe parsing problems
Is this an error in the wiki parsing. When I indent a line by four spaces and have a linefeed between it and the text before it is rendered as code/preformatted. E.g.:
But after the first enumeration it is broken:
- Again, level one
- some things
foo bar things
for x in range(0, 3): print "We're on time %d" % (x)
This is the error I mean! How can I write code after an enumeration? Only solution: I have to write something above the code.
- aaa
- bbb
- ccc
This is a thing that I have to write, otherwise the following code isn’t formatted as code:
for x := 1 to 7 do
Is this fixable?
Interesting... Askbot depends on markdown2 python lib for this, maybe it's a problem on that lib, I'll do some tests
interesting.. I gave an answer to this post, but the answer is invisible, because i've removed the wiki check mark. however you need 8 spaces for your code to make it looking like a code
ok, my answer is back.. after posting the above comment