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Links in Comments are not always as expected

A user posted a correct link in the comments let's say and it also looks like, but when you click on it you get this link which is a wrong link. I tried to edit the link but it was posted correct by the user. Askbot has changed the link into the wrong one. It seems to be not always the case it appears somehow randomly.


The problem is still there: links in comments get an extra <p>, when placed at the end of the comment. so the links become wrong..

Are there some solutions? It is an very annoying bug for site visitirs and users.

Links in Comments are not always as expected

A user posted a correct link in the comments let's say and it also looks like, but when you click on it you get this link which is a wrong link. I tried to edit the link but it was posted correct by the user. Askbot has changed the link into the wrong one. It seems to be not always the case it appears somehow randomly.


The problem is still there: links in comments get an extra <p>, when placed at the end of the comment. so the links become wrong..

Are there some solutions? It is an very annoying bug for site visitirs and users.

Links in Comments are not always as expected

A user posted a correct link in the comments let's say and it also looks like, but when you click on it you get this link which is a wrong link. I tried to edit the link but it was posted correct by the user. Askbot has changed the link into the wrong one. It seems to be not always the case it appears somehow randomly.


The problem is still there: links comments get an extra <p>, when placed at the end of the comment. so the links become wrong..

Are there some solutions? It is an very annoying bug for site visitirs and users.