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admin logout throw exception

I used the option of make the first user that we create as a admin during askbot installation. But now the problem is I am unable to successfully logout the admin user without exception.

AttributeError at /admin/logout/
'AnonymousUser' object has no attribute 'get_and_delete_messages'
Request Method: GET
Request URL:    http://localhost:8001/admin/logout/
Django Version: 1.4.5
Exception Type: AttributeError
Exception Value:    
'AnonymousUser' object has no attribute 'get_and_delete_messages'
Exception Location: /../askbot/user_messages/ in user_messages, line 21

admin logout throw exception

I used the option of make the first user that we create as a admin during askbot installation. But now the problem is I am unable to successfully logout the admin user without exception.

AttributeError at /admin/logout/
'AnonymousUser' object has no attribute 'get_and_delete_messages'
Request Method: GET
Request URL:    http://localhost:8001/admin/logout/
Django Version: 1.4.5
Exception Type: AttributeError
Exception Value:    
'AnonymousUser' object has no attribute 'get_and_delete_messages'
Exception Location: /../askbot/user_messages/ in user_messages, line 21