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anyone else see update user in admin causing errors?

Brand new askbot install latest code within 1 week. linux centOS, postgresql 9.3, python 2.7.5.

running python runserver hostname -i:8000

I added the first user to get an admin user.
Second user by normal signup.
Then I go into /admin as first user and try to give the second user "staff" status.

but I get a database error:

update or delete on table "auth_user_groups" violates foreign key constraint "authusergroups_ptr_id_refs_id_e728db87" on table "askbot_groupmembership" DETAIL: Key (id)=(7) is still referenced from table "askbot_groupmembership".

it seems that in order to do this, one must first delete rows from askbot_groupmembership.

migrations all run, but somehow I am still getting this error 170 | askbot | 0170_auto__add_field_group_read_only

if anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate some advice.