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Auto completion in the tags field does not work for Japanese characters

It seems auto completion in the "tags" field does not work for Japanese characters. It would be nice if someone implements it. Alternatively, could you please give me some pointers to help me find where to work on in the source code. Thank you.

Auto completion in the tags field does not work for Japanese characters

It seems auto completion in the "tags" field does not work for Japanese characters. It would be nice if someone implements it. Alternatively, could you please give me some pointers to help me find where to work on in the source code. Thank you.

Auto completion in the tags field does not work for Japanese characters

It seems auto completion in the "tags" field does not work for Japanese characters. It would be nice if someone implements it. Alternatively, could you please give me some pointers to help me find where to work on in the source code. Thank you.