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indexer sphinx.conf error

After get_askbot_sphinx_search_config refered to sphinx_config, I run the script indexer askbot sphinx.conf.It gets somes errors:

  1. Table 'askbot.question' doesn't exist (DSN=mysql://root:*@localhost:3306/askbot).
  2. Table 'askbot.answer' doesn't exist (DSN=mysql://root:*@localhost:3306/askbot).

what should I do?



indexer sphinx.conf error

After get_askbot_sphinx_search_config refered to sphinx_config, I run the script indexer askbot sphinx.conf.It sphinx.conf.It gets somes errors:

  1. Table 'askbot.question' doesn't exist (DSN=mysql://root:*@localhost:3306/askbot).
  2. Table 'askbot.answer' doesn't exist (DSN=mysql://root:*@localhost:3306/askbot).

what should I do?



indexer sphinx.conf error

After get_askbot_sphinx_search_config refered to sphinx_config, I run the script indexer askbot sphinx.conf.It gets somes errors:

  1. Table 'askbot.question' doesn't exist (DSN=mysql://root:*@localhost:3306/askbot).
  2. Table 'askbot.answer' doesn't exist (DSN=mysql://root:*@localhost:3306/askbot).

what should I do?

@nil@Jan 7 '12


indexer sphinx.conf error

After get_askbot_sphinx_search_config refered to sphinx_config, I run the script indexer askbot sphinx.conf.It gets somes errors:

  1. Table 'askbot.question' doesn't exist (DSN=mysql://root:*@localhost:3306/askbot).
  2. Table 'askbot.answer' doesn't exist (DSN=mysql://root:*@localhost:3306/askbot).

what should I do?

@Jan 7 '12

'12 @Evgeny

indexer sphinx.conf error

After get_askbot_sphinx_search_config refered to sphinx_config, I run the script indexer askbot sphinx.conf.It gets somes errors:

  1. Table 'askbot.question' doesn't exist (DSN=mysql://root:*@localhost:3306/askbot).
  2. Table 'askbot.answer' doesn't exist (DSN=mysql://root:*@localhost:3306/askbot).

what should I do?

do? @Jan 7 '12 @Evgeny@@Evgeny