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Are dump_forum and load_forum supported on 0.7?
It seems that dump_forum
and load_forum
are no longer supported on the 0.7.x release stream.
If they are still supported, can someone explain where they have gone and how I can use them.
(0)[root@topsail askbot_top] python | grep -i forum
(1)[root@topsail askbot_top]
If they are not supported, is there any way to produce a database-agnostic dump of all the data in a running system?
For example, suppose I wanted to switch my database from MySQL to postgres. I cannot see how this is possible without having some form of dump that knows nothing about database specifics. (Note that this is not necessarily my question. I want to know the answer to the more general question of running dump_forum/load_forum or equivalent.)
Are dump_forum and load_forum supported on 0.7?
It seems that dump_forum
and load_forum
are no longer supported on the 0.7.x release stream.
If they are still supported, can someone explain where they have gone and how I can use them.
(0)[root@topsail askbot_top] python | grep -i forum
(1)[root@topsail askbot_top]
If they are not supported, is there any way to produce a database-agnostic dump of all the data in a running system?
For example, suppose I wanted to switch my database from MySQL to postgres. I cannot see how this is possible without having some form of dump that knows nothing about database specifics. (Note that this is not necessarily my question. I want to know the answer to the more general question of running dump_forum/load_forum or equivalent.)