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`'settings' is undefined` in custom template?
I see the askbot templates use constructs like {% if settings.BLABLA %}.
From what I understand, the settings
var should always be present, from askbot.context.application_settings
, right?
But when I try to use {% if settings.XYZ %}
in my own skin widgets, I get
Exception Type: UndefinedError
Exception Value: 'settings' is undefined
How can that be? I would post more info but don't know what could be relevant to this.
`'settings' is undefined` in custom template?
I see the askbot templates use constructs like {% if settings.BLABLA %}.
From what I understand, the settings
var should always be present, from askbot.context.application_settings
, right?
But when I try to use {% if settings.XYZ %}
in my own skin widgets, I get
Exception Type: UndefinedError
Exception Value: 'settings' is undefined
How can that be? I would post more info but don't know what could be relevant to this.