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You are confusing django-rosetta with makemessages. The makemessages is a django's built-in command and it must be run from within an app for which you are trying to build the internationalization file.

Change the current directory to the app, then run the command.

cd <path-to-some-app>
python < file> makemessages

Notice that Django's makemessages will extract files from django templates, but won't work with Jinja2 templates. For example Askbot (which uses Jinja2 templates) relies on it's own jinja2_makemessages command.

In my development setup I mostly have the askbot app installed in the root of the Django project, so my file is one level up from askbot directory, therefore I jump into askbot and run

python ../ jinja2-makemessages -l en -e html,py,txt #for .py files and templates.
python ../ makemessages -d djangojs -l en -e js #this time extract strings from .js files