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Part1 - upgrading from source repository

Create a copy of your site to be safe.

cd your-askbot-project
git checkout master  # assuming that you have been using this branch
git pull origin master  # will work if your branch has not been customized

Activate the virtual environment, if you have one:

source env/bin/activate  # for example
python migrate --list  # (optional) to see if the database needs to be migrated
python migrate  # actually this command can be just run
python collectstatic  # update the collection of static files

Restart the webserver process running your application (apache/mod_wsgi, uwsgi, gunicorn - whichever you are using for your deployment).

Also, there is a separate document for the initial installation of askbot - may be useful if you do not yet have an active installation.

Part1 - upgrading from source repository

Create a copy of your site to be safe.

cd your-askbot-project
git checkout master This wiki page # assuming that you have been using this branch
git pull origin master  # will work if your branch has not been customized

Activate the virtual environment, if you have one:

source env/bin/activate  # for example
python migrate --list  # (optional) to see if the database needs to be migrated
python migrate  # actually this command can be just run
python collectstatic  # update the collection of static files

Restart the webserver process running your application (apache/mod_wsgi, uwsgi, gunicorn - whichever you are using for your deployment).answer.

Also, there is a separate document for the initial installation of askbot - may be useful if you do not yet have an active installation.

Part1 - upgrading from source repository

This wiki page has will (shortly) have the answer.

Also, there is a separate document for the initial installation of askbot - may be useful if you do not yet have an active installation.

Part1 - upgrading from source repository

This wiki page will (shortly) have the answer.

Also, there is a separate document for the initial installation of askbot - may be useful if you do not yet have an active installation.

Part1 - upgrading from source repository

This wiki page will (shortly) have the answer.

Also, there is a separate document for the initial installation of askbot

Part1 - upgrading from source repository

This wiki page will (shortly) have the answer.