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Evgeny, here is the fix I have finally done on my side in the file skin/default/template/authopenid/signin.html I simply disable the delete button if the provider is the one defined for LDAP.

@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
                     <th>{% trans %}provider{% endtrans %}</th>
                     <th>{% trans %}last used{% endtrans %}</th>
-                    <th>{% trans %}delete, if you like{% endtrans %}</th>
+                    <th>{% trans %}delete, if you like and if permitted{% endtrans %}</th>
                 {% for login_method in existing_login_methods %}
                 <tr class="ab-provider-row">
@@ -152,7 +152,11 @@
                         {% endif %}
-                        <button>{% trans %}delete{% endtrans %}</button>
+                        {% if login_method.provider_name == settings.LDAP_PROVIDER_NAME %}^M
+                            <button disabled="disabled">{% trans %}delete{% endtrans %}</button>
+                        {% else %}
+                            <button>{% trans %}delete{% endtrans %}</button>
+                        {% endif  %}
                 {% endfor %}