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search string accepts several types of entries.

For tags:

#bug (on [bug] or [tag:bug])

If you add more tags - they will be searched with "or" expression.

If you want "and" expression on tags - just click on the tags, or delete them from search as needed. To exclude tags - there is no way yet to enter -#fixed, but there is the list of "excluded" tags that you can edit and choose filter - exclude ignored tags.

So if you want to see a list of bugs that are not yet fixed - add "fixed" to your ignored list, then select filter - "exclude ignored", then either enter "#bug" into the search string, or click on tag "bug".

For user-based search:

@Guandalino (or [user:guandalino])

For search in titles only:

[title: bug]

Simple text can be added as well - for the full text search.