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Not just that, but when meaning of "unanswered question" is "question without accepted answers", which are by default sorted by increasing numbers of answers (and selected based on the absence of accepted answer).

There is also another option in the settings - "question without answers" - in that case sorting by number of answer is meaningless, but still shown. Just created an issue for this: - we will implement it after merging some branch which is in progress now.

Not just that, but when That's because meaning of "unanswered question" is "question without accepted answers", which are by default sorted by increasing numbers of answers (and selected based on the absence of accepted answer).answers.

There is also another option in the settings - "question without answers" - in that case sorting by number of answer is meaningless, but still shown. Just created an issue for this: - we will implement it after merging some branch which is in progress now.