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It would be ideal to delegate authentication to specialized modules like updated "django-authopenid" etc. and to simplify the askbot's authentication module.

So we could start with taking out openid logic from askbot and replace it with django-authopenid, while keeping our current UI and logic supporting association of the same user account with multiple login methods.

We have requirements to support traditiional login/password, openid, oauth, LDAP. In the near future we want to support various single sign on systems... So the list of requirements will grow.

In addition to that - we want the login method configurations and enabled/disabled states to be controllable from the web-interface which should be more or less in the same format as askbot's settings.

Not sure if there is a third party solution satisfying all of our requirements. So we may end up with an "aggregator" module talking to more specialized modules, and keep building our own UI. It might be worthwhile separating the login system into a dedicated application too.

In general it's a good time to focus on simplifying Askbot's code base by delegating more functions to well tested third party modules or by other means.